Обзор polar vantage m и 96 километров пробежек


Features and technical specifications

Feature highlights

Swimming metrics

Follow your progress in the pool. Polar Vantage M automatically detects your heart rate, swimming style, distance, pace, strokes and rest times. Distance and strokes get tracked also in open water swimming.

24/7 activity tracking

Polar Vantage M tracks steps, distance, calories and sleep and gives you a personalized activity goal for each day.

Additional Smart Coaching features

Smart Calories

Know exactly how many calories you’ve burned based on your weight, height, age, gender, your individual maximum heart rate (HRmax) and how hard you’re training. Learn more

Continuous Heart Rate

Get a comprehensive view on how your heart behaves during your day. Continuous heart rate monitoring gives you even more accurate calorie burn and activity data and tells you the lowest and highest heart rate of your day. Learn more


Nightly Recharge is an overnight recovery measurement that shows you how well you recover from the demands of your day. It helps you make optimal choices in your everyday life to maintain overall wellbeing and reach your training goals.

All you need to do is wear your Polar Vantage V2 during the night – the overnight measurement is completely automatic.


Recovery from overall stress plays a major role in performance development, optimal daytime functioning, well-being and health. Nightly Recharge tells you how well your body was able to recover from the strain caused by training and other demands of your day.


Nightly Recharge helps you make the most of your day even when your resources are low. The Polar Flow app offers you tips on how to train, sleep better and regulate your energy levels during the day.

Optimize your training with Training Load Pro™

When you’re training to achieve a specific goal, you need to know how your workouts strain your body in order to find the balance between different types of training and rest.

Polar Vantage M shows you how your training sessions strain your body and how it affects your performance.

Training Load Pro monitors the strain your training puts on your cardiovascular system (Cardio Load), and also takes into account how strained you feel (Subjective Load). If you’re using a separate running or cycling power meter, you will also get a training load value for your musculoskeletal system (Muscle Load).

When you know how strained each body system is, you can optimize your training by working the right system at the right time. You get a numerical value, verbal feedback and a visual bullet scale for each training load.

Cardio Load

Your Cardio Load value tells you how much strain your training session put on your cardiovascular system. It is calculated after every workout from your heart rate data.

Your Cardio Load is calculated as training impulse (TRIMP), a commonly accepted method to quantify training load.

Perceived Load

Perceived Load is a value that takes into account your own subjective experience of how demanding your training session was.

Your Perceived Load is quantified with Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), a scientifically accepted method to quantify subjective training load. Your Perceived load levels indicate how hard a training session was compared to your session average from the past 90 days.

Strain & Tolerance

In addition to the training load from individual training sessions, you can follow how Cardio Load builds up over time

Strain shows how much you have strained yourself with training lately. It shows your average daily load from the past 7 days.

Tolerance describes how prepared you are to endure cardio training. It shows your average daily load from the past 28 days. To improve your tolerance for cardio training, slowly increase your training over a longer period of time.

Your Cardio Load Status looks at how your Strain compares to your Tolerance and estimates how your training is impacting your body.

Muscle Load (only available with a power meter)
If you’re using a power meter in your running or cycling workouts, your Polar Vantage M will also calculate a Muscle Load value. Muscle Load tells you how much your muscles were strained during your training session. Muscle Load helps you quantify your training load in high-intensity training sessions, such as short intervals, sprints and hill sessions, when your heart rate doesn’t have enough time to react to the changes in the intensity.

Ready-made workouts with the FitSpark™ training guide

Can’t decide what type of a workout you should do? The FitSpark training guide offers daily on-demand workouts that match your recovery, fitness level and training history.


FitSpark offers you different types of workouts to choose from every day. The workouts are easily available on your sports watch.


FitSpark workouts are optimized to match your recovery, fitness level and training history. FitSpark also takes into account your Leg Recovery Test result.


Your watch guides you through each session so you can focus on the best part: the joy of working out.

FitSpark keeps your training versatile with different types of daily workouts: cardio, strength and supportive.


La fonctionnalité Nightly Recharge évalue dans quelle mesure vous avez récupéré des sollicitations de la journée au cours de la nuit. Elle vous aide à faire les bons choix au quotidien pour assurer votre bien-être et atteindre vos objectifs d’entraînement.

Il vous suffit de garder votre montre Polar Vantage M2 au poignet pendant la nuit : la mesure est entièrement automatisée.


La récupération générale joue un rôle majeur dans le développement des performances, le fonctionnement quotidien optimal, le bien-être et la santé. Grâce à la fonctionnalité Nightly Recharge, vous savez dans quelle mesure vous avez pu récupérer de la fatigue causée par l’entraînement et les autres sollicitations de la journée.


Grâce à la fonctionnalité Nightly Recharge, vous savez si votre organisme est prêt à s’entraîner ou s’il est préférable de se reposer.

Функции и технические характеристики

Сверхдлительное время работы от аккумулятора

Устройство Polar Vantage V2 обеспечивает вплоть до 40 часов непрерывной работы. Многочисленные варианты энергосбережения увеличивают срок службы аккумулятора до 100 часов.

Встроенный датчик GPS

GPS, ГЛОНАСС, Galileo и QZSS с системой GPS (A-GPS) с технологией прогнозирования для ускорения процесса определения координат. Встроенный компас и барометрическое отслеживание высоты.

Цветной сенсорный дисплей

Всегда включенный цветной сенсорный дисплей, читаемый при солнечном свете, размером 1,2”. Многослойное защитное стекло Gorilla Glass с покрытием против отпечатков пальцев.

Тест на эффективность в велоспорте

Тест на эффективность в велоспорте позволяет вам персонализировать зоны мощности и подсказывает вашу функциональную пороговую мощность. Требуется измеритель мощности.

Training Load Pro

Функция Training Load Pro помогает понять объем ваших тренировок за последнее время, и какую нагрузку получают различные системы вашего тела во время занятий.

Recovery Pro

Recovery Pro подсказывает, готово ли ваше тело к тренировкам и предлагает обратную связь о восстановлении прямо на ваших часах. Требуется датчик ЧСС Polar.

Тест на восстановление мышц ног

Тест на восстановление мышц ног подскажет, готовы ли ваши ноги к тренировкам высокой интенсивности — всего за пару минут и без какого-либо специального оборудования: все, что вам нужно — это ваши часы.

Nightly Recharge

Функция измерения восстановления Nightly Recharge показывает, насколько хорошо вы восстановились за ночь после дневных нагрузок.

Планирование маршрутов с помощью Komoot

Планируйте свой маршрут в Komoot, импортируйте его на часы Polar Vantage V2 и следуйте пошаговым инструкциям навигации.

Управление музыкой и другие функции умных часов

Легкая навигация по списку воспроизведения и регулировка громкости прямо на часах. Кроме того, на экране часов отображается прогноз погоды и уведомления из приложений.

Руководство по тренировкам FitSpark

Polar Vantage V2 и руководство по тренировкам FitSpark обеспечивают готовый план ежедневных занятий с учетом вашей истории тренировок, степени восстановления и физической формы.

Участки Strava Live

Сделайте ваши пробежки и поездки более захватывающими с помощью участков Strava Live. Получайте оповещения о ближайших участках, просматривайте данные показателей в режиме реального времени во время прохождения участка и проверяйте свои результаты сразу после завершения.

Спортивные профили

Polar Vantage V2 поддерживает более 130 различных видов спорта. Добавьте в часы свои любимые виды спорта с помощью Polar Flow и настраивайте элементы, отображаемые на часах, для каждого спорта.

Источники энергии

Узнайте, как ваше тело использует различные источники энергии во время тренировки. Polar Vantage V2 определяет потребление энергии из жиров, белков и углеводов.

Показатели плавания

Часы Polar Vantage V2 автоматически определяют вашу ЧСС, стиль плавания, дистанцию, темп, количество гребков и время, затраченное на отдых. Показатели дистанции и количества гребков отслеживаются также при плавании на открытой воде.

Running Index

Оцените максимальное потребление кислорода (VO2max) во время беговых тренировок и отслеживайте динамику результативности бега.


Когда дело касается мониторинга сердечного ритма, у разных видов спорта различные потребности. Polar Vantage V2 предлагает
несколько решений для отслеживания ЧСС — выберите вариант, который подходит вам лучше всего.


Часы Polar Vantage V2 измеряют ЧСС на запястье, используя технологию сочетания датчиков Polar Precision Prime. Этот инновационный
подход сочетает в себе оптическое отслеживание ЧСС и другие технологии с датчиками, позволяя отделить искаженные данные,
вызванные движениями, которые могут нарушить сигнал частоты сердечных сокращений и привести к неточностям.


Когда вам нужна непревзойденная точность, объедините Polar Vantage V2 с датчиком ЧСС Polar H10, золотым стандартом отслеживания
сердечного ритма. Датчик ЧСС Polar H10 и нагрудный ремень Polar Pro — оптимальный выбор для интервальных тренировок и
занятий теми видами спорта, где используются ракетки или требуется активно двигать руками.

Вы можете купить монитор сердечного ритма Polar H10 отдельно или в комплекте с Polar Vantage V2.


Polar OH1 — оптический датчик ЧСС, который можно носить как на плече, так и на предплечье. Это отличная альтернатива, если
ваш вид спорта не позволяет носить часы на запястье, или если вам некомфортно в нагрудном ремне. В комплекте к Polar OH1
идет удобный наручный ремешок из текстиля, который легко снимать и надевать.

Кроме того, Polar OH1 — лучший друг пловца: он включает в себя клипсу, которая прикрепляет датчик к очкам для плавания,
и внутреннюю память, чтобы вы могли сохранить данные о своей тренировке по плаванию в бассейне и загрузить их впоследствии
в Polar Flow.

Know how you train with Training Load Pro™

When you train, the different systems of your body get strained. With Polar Vantage M2, you get a holistic view on how your training sessions strain these different systems and how it affects your performance.

Cardio Load

Your Cardio Load value tells you how much strain your training session put on your cardiovascular system. It is calculated after every workout from your heart rate data.

Your Cardio Load is calculated as training impulse (TRIMP), a commonly accepted method to quantify training load.

Perceived Load

Perceived Load is a value that takes into account your own subjective experience of how demanding your training session was.

The key to finding the balance between training and rest is learning to listen to your body and to combine your subjective feeling with the data you get from your Polar Vantage M2. This is something athletes learn by doing, and your training data will help you learn to know your body better.

Your Perceived Load is quantified with Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), a scientifically accepted method to quantify training load. Your Perceived load levels indicate how hard a training session was compared to your session average from the past 90 days.

Strain & Tolerance

In addition to the training load from individual training sessions, you can follow how Cardio Load builds up over time – the relation between strain and tolerance.

Strain shows how much you have strained yourself with training lately. It shows your average daily load from the past 7 days.

Tolerance describes how prepared you are to endure cardio training. It shows your average daily load from the past 28 days. To improve your tolerance for cardio training, slowly increase your training over a longer period of time.

Polar Vantage V & Running Power

Polar Vantage V is the first multisport watch to measure running power from the wrist.

Training with running power

Running power is a great complement to heart rate monitoring – it helps you monitor the external load of your running.

Power responds to changes in intensity faster than your heart rate, which is why Running Power is a great guiding metric in interval and hill sessions. You can also use it to maintain a steady effort level during your run, for example in a race.

The calculation is done with Polar’s proprietary algorithm, and it is based on your GPS and barometer data.

Polar Vantage V uses Running Power to calculate your Muscle Load, the load that your training session puts on your joints and your muscular and skeletal systems.

Learn to refuel with the FuelWise™ smart fueling assistant

When you’re doing a long training session or race, it’s crucial to maintain adequate energy and hydration levels. The FuelWise smart fueling assistant helps you find the optimal way to refuel your body during a longer session so you’ll be able to keep going and perform at your best.


Tend to forget fueling on the way? The smart fueling reminder tells you when it’s time to refuel and helps you maintain adequate energy levels throughout your session.


FuelWise gives you an estimation of how much carbs you’ll need to consume during your session, so you’ll know how much fuel you need to bring with you.


FuelWise offers you a personalized fueling wireframe that you can adjust according to your individual needs so that it works for your body in the optimal way.


FuelWise automatically calculates how much carbs you need for your session. It monitors your energy expenditure during the session and adjusts the automatic fueling reminders to match your carbs consumption so that you’ll feel energized all the way to finish.

TL;DR – Quick comparison chart

If you want to cut straight to the chase, here’s a shortcut to comparing the features between Polar Vantage V and Polar Vantage M. Or use the comparison tool for a more detailed list.

We’re also rolling out a number of enhancements to both Polar Vantage V and M so make sure you check our Vantage updates page to see what’s coming.

Feature Polar Vantage V Polar Vantage M
Polar Precision Prime, wrist-based heart rate measurement X X
Speed and distance from the wrist X X
Training Load Pro X X (Muscle Load via third-party sensor)
Recovery Pro X
Running power From the wrist Via third-party sensor
Running Program X X
Running Index X X
Sleep Plus X X
+130 sport profiles X X
Multisport mode X X
Swimming metrics X X
Waterproof X X
Barometer X
Battery life with GPS 40 hours in training mode 30 hours in training mode
Display Always-on color touch display, resolution 240 x 240 Color display, resolution 240 x 240
Measurements 46 x 46 x 13 mm 46 x 46 x 12.5 mm
Weight 66 g 45 g
Changeable wristband X (only Polar Vantage V wristbands) X (compatible with all standard 22mm wristbands)

Features and technical specifications

Feature highlights

Swimming metrics

Follow your progress in the pool. Polar Vantage M automatically detects your heart rate, swimming style, distance, pace, strokes and rest times. Distance and strokes get tracked also in open water swimming.

24/7 activity tracking

Polar Vantage M tracks steps, distance, calories and sleep and gives you a personalized activity goal for each day.

Additional Smart Coaching features

Smart Calories

Know exactly how many calories you’ve burned based on your weight, height, age, gender, your individual maximum heart rate (HRmax) and how hard you’re training. Learn more

Continuous Heart Rate

Get a comprehensive view on how your heart behaves during your day. Continuous heart rate monitoring gives you even more accurate calorie burn and activity data and tells you the lowest and highest heart rate of your day. Learn more


Nightly Recharge is an overnight recovery measurement that shows you how well you have recovered from the demands
of your day. It helps you make optimal choices in your everyday life to maintain overall wellbeing and reach
your training goals.

All you need to do is wear your Polar Vantage V2 during the night – the overnight measurement is completely automatic.


Recovery from overall stress plays a major role in performance development, optimal daytime functioning, well-being
and health. Nightly Recharge tells you how well your body was able to recover from the strain caused by training
and other demands of your day.


Nightly Recharge helps you make the most of your day even when your resources are low. The Polar Flow app offers
you tips on how to train, sleep better and regulate your energy levels during the day.

Prevent overtraining and injuries with Recovery Pro

Polar Vantage V2 helps you prevent overtraining and injuries with a unique recovery tracking solution. It actually measures how recovered your body is and offers you recovery feedback and guidance.

Daily Recovery

You can measure your daily recovery level with the Orthostatic Test (Polar H10 or H9 heart rate sensor required). It is based on your heart rate and your heart rate variability, and it takes into account all stress factors of your life, including stress from training and stress caused by other aspects of life, such as poor sleep or work pressure.

Training and recovery balance

Recovery Pro combines your long-term recovery data with your long-term training load to monitor the balance between training and recovery. This will help you recognize your personal limits by showing whether you’ve been training too much, too little or just right.

Recovery feedback

With Recovery Pro you get feedback for both your current cardio recovery level and your longer-term training and recovery balance. Polar Vantage V2 combines these two into a daily personalized training recommendation.

Optimize your training with Training Load Pro™

When you’re training to achieve a specific goal, you need to know how your workouts strain your body in order to find the balance between different types of training and rest.

Polar Vantage M data will show you how your training sessions can strain your body and how it can affect your performance.

Training Load Pro monitors the strain your training puts on your cardiovascular system (Cardio Load), and takes into account how strained you feel (Subjective Load). If you’re using a separate running or cycling power meter, you will also get a training load value for your musculoskeletal system (Muscle Load).

When you know how strained each body system is, you can optimise your training by working the right system at the right time. You get a numerical value, verbal feedback and a visual bullet scale for each training load.

Cardio Load

Your Cardio Load value tells you how much strain your training session has put on your cardiovascular system. It is calculated after every workout from your heart rate data.

Your Cardio Load is calculated as training impulse (TRIMP), a commonly accepted method to quantify training load.

Perceived Load

Perceived Load is a value that considers your own subjective experience of how demanding your training session was.

Your Perceived Load is quantified with Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), a scientifically accepted method to quantify subjective training load. Your Perceived load levels indicate how hard a training session was compared to your session average from the past 90 days.

Strain & Tolerance

In addition to the training load from individual training sessions, you can follow how Cardio Load builds up over time

shows how much you have strained yourself with training lately. It shows your average daily load from the past 7 days.

describes how prepared you are to endure cardio training. It shows your average daily load from the past 28 days. To improve your tolerance for cardio training, slowly increase your training over a longer period of time.

Your Cardio Load Status
looks at how your Strain compares to your Tolerance and estimates how your training is impacting your body.

Muscle Load (only available with a power meter) If you’re using a power meter in your running or cycling workouts, your Polar Vantage M will also calculate a Muscle Load value. Muscle Load tells you how much your muscles were strained during your training session. Muscle Load helps you quantify your training load in high-intensity training sessions, such as short intervals, sprints and hill sessions, when your heart rate doesn’t have enough time to react to the changes in the intensity.

Get to know Polar Vantage M2

Nightly Recharge

The Nightly Recharge recovery measurement shows you how well you recover from the demands of your day during the night.

Training Load Pro

Training Load Pro helps you see how much you’ve been training lately and how your training sessions strain the different parts of your body.

Energy Sources

See how your body uses different energy sources during a training session. Polar Vantage M2 divides your energy usage into carbs, proteins and fats.

Music controls

Easily navigate around your playlist and adjust volume straight on your watch. You also get a weather forecast and push notifications to your watch screen.

Sport profiles

Polar Vantage M2 supports over 130 different sports. Add your favorite sports to your watch in Polar Flow and customize what you see on your watch during each sport.

Swimming metrics

Polar Vantage M2 automatically detects your heart rate, swimming style, distance, pace, strokes and rest times. Distance and strokes get tracked also in open water swimming.


When it comes to heart rate monitoring, different sports have different needs. Polar Vantage V2 offers you several
heart rate tracking solutions – choose the method that suits best to your sports and conditions.


Polar Vantage V2 uses the Polar Precision Prime sensor fusion technology to track heart rate from the wrist. This
innovation combines optical heart rate measurement with other sensor technologies in order to rule out motion
artefacts that might disturb the heart rate signal and produce unreliable readings.


When you need unparalleled accuracy, pair Polar Vantage V2 with the Polar H10 heart rate sensor, the gold standard
of heart rate monitoring. The Polar H10 heart rate sensor and the Polar Pro chest strap are the optimal choice
for interval training, racket sports or any sports with plenty of arm movement.

You can buy the Polar H10 heart rate monitor separately or as a set with Polar Vantage V2.


The Polar OH1 is an optical heart rate sensor that you can wear on your upper arm or forearm. It’s a great alternative
if you can’t wear a watch on your wrist in your sport or if you find the chest strap unpleasant to wear. Polar
OH1 comes with a comfortable textile armband and it’s easy to put on and take off.

Polar OH1 is also a swimmer’s best friend: it includes a clip that attaches the sensor to your swimming goggles and
an internal memory so you can save your pool session and upload it to Polar Flow afterwards.

Learn to refuel with the FuelWise™ smart fueling assistant

When you’re doing a long training session or race, it’s crucial to maintain adequate energy and hydration levels.
The FuelWise smart fueling assistant helps you find the optimal way to refuel your body during a longer session
so you’ll be able to keep going and perform at your best.


Tend to forget fueling mid-session? The smart fueling reminder tells you when it’s time to refuel and helps you maintain
adequate energy levels throughout your session.


FuelWise gives you an estimation of how many carbs you’ll need to consume during your session, so you’ll know how
much fuel you need to bring with you.


FuelWise offers you a personalized fueling wireframe that you can adjust according to your individual needs so that
it works for your body in the optimal way.


FuelWise automatically calculates how many carbs you need for your session. It monitors your energy expenditure
during the session and adjusts the automatic fueling reminders to match your carb consumption so that you’ll
feel energized all the way to finish.

Optimize your training with Training Load Pro™

When you’re training to achieve a specific goal, you need to know how your workouts strain your body in order to find the balance between different types of training and rest.

Polar Vantage M shows you how your training sessions strain your body and how it affects your performance.

Training Load Pro monitors the strain your training puts on your cardiovascular system (Cardio Load), and also takes into account how strained you feel (Subjective Load). If you’re using a separate running or cycling power meter, you will also get a training load value for your musculoskeletal system (Muscle Load).

When you know how strained each body system is, you can optimize your training by working the right system at the right time. You get a numerical value, verbal feedback and a visual bullet scale for each training load.

Cardio Load

Your Cardio Load value tells you how much strain your training session put on your cardiovascular system. It is calculated after every workout from your heart rate data.

Your Cardio Load is calculated as training impulse (TRIMP), a commonly accepted method to quantify training load.

Perceived Load

Perceived Load is a value that takes into account your own subjective experience of how demanding your training session was.

Your Perceived Load is quantified with Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), a scientifically accepted method to quantify subjective training load. Your Perceived load levels indicate how hard a training session was compared to your session average from the past 90 days.

Strain & Tolerance

In addition to the training load from individual training sessions, you can follow how Cardio Load builds up over time

Strain shows how much you have strained yourself with training lately. It shows your average daily load from the past 7 days.

Tolerance describes how prepared you are to endure cardio training. It shows your average daily load from the past 28 days. To improve your tolerance for cardio training, slowly increase your training over a longer period of time.

Your Cardio Load Status looks at how your Strain compares to your Tolerance and estimates how your training is impacting your body.

Muscle Load (only available with a power meter)
If you’re using a power meter in your running or cycling workouts, your Polar Vantage M will also calculate a Muscle Load value. Muscle Load tells you how much your muscles were strained during your training session. Muscle Load helps you quantify your training load in high-intensity training sessions, such as short intervals, sprints and hill sessions, when your heart rate doesn’t have enough time to react to the changes in the intensity.

Features and technical specifications

Feature highlights

Swimming metrics

Follow your progress in the pool. Polar Vantage M automatically detects your heart rate, swimming style, distance, pace, strokes and rest times. Distance and strokes get tracked also in open water swimming.

24/7 activity tracking

Polar Vantage M tracks steps, distance, calories and sleep and gives you a personalized activity goal for each day.

Additional Smart Coaching features

Smart Calories

Know exactly how many calories you’ve burned based on your weight, height, age, gender, your individual maximum heart rate (HRmax) and how hard you’re training. Learn more

Continuous Heart Rate

Get a comprehensive view on how your heart behaves during your day. Continuous heart rate monitoring gives you even more accurate calorie burn and activity data and tells you the lowest and highest heart rate of your day. Learn more

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